Senior Pastor Glenn McCrickard

Each year I look forward to creating a living cross with the congregation at Easter. I am filled with delight watching members of the congregation walk to the front of the sanctuary to attach cut flowers to the cross. Seeing the joy and anticipation of each one waiting their turn to contribute to this creative process is beyond explanation.

My favorite hymn, In the bulb there is a flower, comes to life as I witness a symbol of death blossoming into a beautiful, vibrant image of hope. Natalie Sleeth’s lyrical message of faith, hope and promise reminds that life’s difficult seasons can be transformed as we experience compassion and concern by individuals and events which reveal the living presence of God.

In the bulb there is a flower; in the seed, an apple tree;

In cocoons, a hidden promise; butterflies will soon be free!

In the cold and snow of winter there’s a spring that waits to be,

Unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.

(Hymnal a Worship Book, #614, verse 1)

May we all seek to be attentive to the ways in which God tries to get our attention so that we may be transformed and inspired to be messengers of faith, hope and love.

Associate Pastor Jeff Scott

Our Assistant Pastor is Jeff Scott, who was called to the ministry from this congregation. A deeply spiritual person, Pastor Scott does an excellent job of preaching thought-provoking and fascinating sermons, in which he always tries to include a quote from C.S. Lewis. Pastor Jeff often leads the Sojourners' Sunday School class and helps Pastor Glenn and the deacons reach out to congregants who are homebound or sick.

Community Spirit Coordinator: 

Due to budget constraints, the position of Community Spirit Coordinator is vacant until July 1, 2022.  Contact Lisa Blevins if you wish to apply for the position.

The Community Spirit Coordinator works with Pastor Glenn and the congregation to build the effectiveness of the church from various aspects, one of which is outreach. This person is also responsible for initiating, recruiting, promoting, organizing, and coordinating congregational social activities and service projects in the community, district and denomination.