Our Ministry Teams
Education Team
The Education Team provides materials and oversight for all Sunday School classes as well as for other educational special projects. Sunday School Classes are as follows: Primary, Tweens, Youth (high school & college), Adult Parlor Bible Class, and Sojourners Class. Our library also is a part of the Education Team's work. The current education chair is Rebecca Mariner.
The Deacon Body is subdivided into different groups: Rites and Ordinances Team Member Support Team, Encouragement Team, Spiritual Support Team, and Crisis Team. All these teams work together to provide for the needs of the congregation, including arranging funeral meals as needed. Communion given twice a year during worship and also twice a year at Love Feast, which includes a simple meal and foot or hand washing. The Deacon Body assists the Pastors in providing support for people in the congregation. This year's deacon chair is Louise Scalzi.
Finance Team
The Finance Team prepares the annual budget for the church and provides monthly financial statements to the Leadership Team. This team also keeps financial records, orders giving envelopes, and manages the church's investments. Another part of its charge is overseeing the Stewardship Team. The chair of the group is Peter Maulo.
The Stewardship Team highlights stewardship of our congregation's time, talent, and money during the year. It designs and implements the Stewardship Campaign during the month of October to encourage giving of time, talent and money. The current chair is Glenn McCrickard.
Leadership Team
The Leadership Team is comprised of the leadership team chair, the moderator, all chairs of ministry teams, the deacon chair, the pastors, the community spirit coordinator, and the clerk. This group meets once every other month on the third Tuesday. Its purpose is to oversee the functioning of the church. The Leadership Chair for 2022 is Lisa Blevins.
Property Team
The Property Team is responsible for maintaining the property and grounds of the church. This includes utilities, painting, repairs, capital projects, cleaning, and clean-up days. The custodian reports to this team.
Use of the facility can be arranged for members of the church, free of charge, and for outside groups or weddings, for a small fee. Jack Tevis serves as chair this year.
Witness Team
The Witness Team sends money to support designated organizations within the denomination and outside of it. It also arranges for off-budget donations to organizations which are not listed in the general budget. Once a year, the Witness Team coordinates with St. Paul's United Church of Christ to hold an Interfaith Dinner with the Muslim Community of Carroll County.
Several teams such as Loaves and Fishes, F.A.B.B., and the Peace and Justice Forum operate under the umbrella of the Witness Team. Loaves and Fishes is a weekly soup kitchen ministry, which provides a meal to guests each Saturday at noon. Different area churches take turns providing the meal, and members of Westminster Church act as hosts. The F.A.B.B. group does handyman work for people in the congregation as well as people and agencies outside the church. The Peace and Justice Forum addresses issues of injustice. Disaster Relief trips and Youth Work Camps are also part of our church's witness. This year's chair is Phyllis Dull.
Worship Team
The Worship Team plans and organizes our worship services. All music groups fall under the guidance of the Worship Team. These are the Bell Choir the and Senior Choir (traditional music). Praise music is included in most worship services and led by Julie Richard. Special music is provided by Phyllis Rice and Bob Schellhammer. The Sanctuary Decorations Team and Tech Team are also under the Worship Team. Glenn McCrickard heads the Worship Team.