We are delighted to have you visit our congregation’s website. Westminster is a community of faith that values worshiping, learning and serving together. You will find care, encouragement, hope, laughter, love, and trust abound as we walk with one another in life and faith. We are a biblically grounded community committed to...Continuing the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together.
creatively worshiping God with a unified Spirit;
expansively studying what it means to be Christian;
willingly reaching out to others in service, locally and globally;
intentionally supporting each other; and
honoring Christ’s call to be peacemakers.
Please feel free to explore our site in order to learn more about us and our ministry. We look forward to meeting you and having you join us for worship or any of our activities.
We hope to see you soon!
Have a blessed day!
Pastor Glenn McCrickard